Game Setup
NOTE: you should use the optional electronic warfare and terrain rules.
As you can tell by now, it's not really a convoy raid, it's an escalating set piece battle. The title is meant to intentionally
mislead the players. Each side receives victory points equal to the value of enemy ships destroyed (except freighters).
The Humans are tech 4 (of course), and the Klingons are tech 5. The table is eight feet long and four feet wide. Use the
rules for scanning & terrain.
So far, the Humans have won, due to the Klingon players attacking the human battleships head on with their BOPs
before the K'tingas could arrive.
To use other races for this scenario, each side should have about 100 pts (not including freighters). No ship should be
larger than a battleship. The attacker should deploy less than half his points on the table at the start of the game.